Rain's Reign

Prince's Purple Rain, Led Zeppelin's The Rain Song, CCR's Who'll Stop The Rain and Have You Ever Seen Rain, Bob Dylan's Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall or even Bryan Ferry's cover of that same song, Phil Collins' I Wish It Would Rain, Guns 'n Roses' November Rain, Garbage's I'm Only Happen When It Rains, Elvis Presley's Kentucky Rain, Eurythmics' Here Comes The Rain Again, Bruce Hornsby's Mandolin Rain, Blind Melon's No Rain, Eddie Rabbit's I Love The Rainy Night, The Carpenters' Rainy Days And Mondays, Bobby Darin's Rain On My Parade even songs I should hate like Milli Vanilli's Blame It On The Rain or The Weather Girls' It's Raining Men are songs I don't completely get disgusted by.
Why am I talking about rain? Well, the trailer for the Adam Sandler's new film Reign Over Me is out and the movie looks like it is one of his good movies. I honestly think Sandler is a smart actor. What he does best as an actor is pick films where his character has this barely simmering rage that may or may not come to the surface. The problem is that sometimes his films border on silly (hello Billy Madison, Little Nicky, Big Daddy etc) and sometimes he picks a film with a good director and a good cast and the film can border on brilliant (hello Punch Drunk Love).
Top 5 Adam Sandler Films
1. Punch Drunk Love
2. Spanglish
3. Bulletproof
4. The Wedding Singer
5. Happy Gilmore (I guess, ask me tomorrow I will have a different #5 as I am really not a fan of any of his other films)
You don't list off songs about rain and leave Ann Peebles and her song "I Can't Stand the Rain" No collection of songs about rain can be without it! It's a classic.
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