Not much to say and not much time to say it

1. Our car is having problems again. So I had to walk down the street to pick up the bus, to the subway station, took the subway south to get to hop on another subway east, hopped on the LRT and then took a bus to get to work. An hour and 10 minutes, yeah, good times.
2. More emails to answer at work than I can possibly handle right now.
3. Big semi final game slo pitch game tonight. We finished in first and our playing the fourth place team in order to get a berth into the finals starting next week. Though I still have to worry about getting home via the TTC and then somehow getting down to the ballpark for 6 pm while carrying all the equipment.
4. Gotta make reservations at Fieramosca for this Saturday. We are joining Jayman and his wife to see Stranger Than Fiction with Dustin Hoffman and Will Farrell. Sometimes the stars of the movie are actually there at the screening. Dustin Hoffman is my favourite actor so I may be "one of those people" who is actually going to bring my copy of Straw Dogs for Dustin Hoffman to sign. Though I am not sure if I will go through with it. I can't be "that guy". You know that guy. The autograph hound, I don't even know who to do it.
5. The endless drama that is my cousin's life has bumped up another notch over the last week. Again, too dramatic to be believed in this blog. But just trust me, if it was a movie, you would demand your money back as it is too ridiculous.
Labels: My Boring Life
Hang in there buddy. It wont be long until the week is done and you will be drinking Lemoncello right out of the bottle on Saturday after a nice helping of Penne a la Vodka. And definitely post your opinion on the Hoffman film. That is certainly and interesting mix of actors.
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