Cover To Cover

Photographer/writer Chris Epting is about to release a book with pictures of where album covers were shot and how they look today. On his official website, he has a page with ten examples including David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and Bob Dylan's Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.
I don't know if I could even come up with my top 5 album covers. Really, in the end, it never made a difference to me. It's not like I have ever listened to an album and said, "damn, the music sucks but the cover is so good it just doesn't matter."

Roxy Music's Country Life has that titilation factor, but again how does it sell the music. Though Country Life IS probably my least favourite of their albums.
Top 5 Roxy Music Songs
1. Street Life
2. Do The Strand
3. Virginia Plain
4. More Than This
5. Avalon
Speaking of album covers, youtube has this wacky new short featuring album covers fighting each other. It is pretty funny.
Speaking of records, Tower Records looks to be closing down in the US. I guess this is an example of technology really killing an industry. I remember as a teenager being fascinated by record stores. Always looking for good tapes at Cheapies down on Young Street. If I could find one I wanted for $7.99 or less, I was ecstatic.
But I don't know if it's a matter of being able to shop on-line, or that I could download songs or that I simply already own every CD I could want anyway…but I just don't go to music stores anymore.
It looks like in 5 years, the only record stores will either be huge conglamerates like HMV or little record stores where you can find obscure CD and albums like in High Fidelity. Speaking of High Fidelity…it is about to be made as a BROADWAY MUSICAL. Wow, just another reason why I hate musicals.
Labels: Music
uh, how do you leave "Love is the Drug" off that list or their version of John Lennon's "Jealous Guy"
Love Is the Drug would be sixth and Jealous Guy doesn't count as it was recorded by Bryan Ferry, not Roxy Music.
I'm with you on the musicals, JB. I'll eventually humour L with a date to one, but I fear a narcoleptic episode & the probable and uncomfortable repercussions.
You could have listed your top 5 album covers, really.
So I think Beck's new album cover should make your top 5 as it is everything YOU want it to has exactly what you look for on an album cover (or could have)
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