Movie buzz for Hot Fuzz

Hopefully it really spoofs the worst cop movie cliche there is... where two cops, completely different are forced to work together. The buddy-cop movie. You know, one's an effiminant ballerina, the other is a coked-up rapper. Actually, that gives me an idea for a script...I will be right back. Until that is my top 5 list.
Top 5 buddy-cop movies
1. Bad Boys
2. 48 Hours
3. Lethal Weapon
4. Running Scared
5. Dragnet (Yes, the one with Tom Hanks and Dan Ackroyd...and I don't care who knows it, this makes me laugh)
Here are two trailers for Hot Fuzz. I am hooked already.
The look and humour does remind me of Shaun Of The Dead. Just sorry it has taken so long to be released. If you haven't seen Shaun Of The Dead, I have written about it before. As well, here is the trailer.
Some of my favourite scenes, once our hero (Shaun) has realized zombies are taking over their town, he tries to convince his best friend Ed to grab the car, rescue his mother, kill his stepfather (who has already been bitten by a zombie) and grab his girlfriend (who just dumped him the night before because all he wants to do is drink at the local pub) and hide out at that same pub.
Another great scene has the characters realizing they are going to need to go through a group of zombies to get to the place they think will be safe. To get through them, aspiring actress Dianne tries to teach all of them how to act like zombies in order to get through the horde without being noticed.
Third time I have written about this movie...I really need to get out more.
Labels: Movies
Hanks and Ackroyd doing the Goat Dance in front of Harry Morgan is the BEST! Dragnet is hilarious.
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