Hanks for the memories

So I was vindicated in the Da Vinci Code pool here at work. Admittedly, my guess of the first weekend gross being $92 million was not close enough to win the pool. The final gross was $78 million. However, I still had that side bet with the Captain here at work. He bizarrely guessed $43 million and I bet him seperately that my number would be closer. I won by about $10 million.
Yeah, it was only a $20 victory, but it is better than nothing.
The less than glowing reviews for the Da Vinci Code has me rethinking whether I want to see it or not. We originally planned to see it on Monday (notoriously the least busy day in the theatre) but since it was the two hour finale of 24 was on that night, the decision was made for me.
I came into the Da Vinci phenomenon rather late. I read it about 6 months ago. I then read Dan Brown's earlier novel Angels And Demons right after. Though Da Vinci Code has a sexier storyline, I liked Angels And Demons better. I would love to see that put on film but I think due to where they would want to film, it will almost be impossible. Plus the stunts, which may read okay in a novel, if put on film would just be ridiculous.
I used to think I was a big Tom Hanks fan...but actually, I'm not. He is a smart actor, who makes smart choices. He works with good directors. He never really plays a dislikable guy. Movies like like Philadelphia and Forrest Gump were a risk, but not a huge risk. Philadelphia is really Denzel Washington's movie. He has the tougher role. Forrest Gump has pacing problems which hurts the movies in some place.
It's just funny that back in the 80s, it was Tom Hanks and Michael Keaton on similar paths doing likeable comedies. Now Hanks stars in big blockbusters and Michael Keaton is relegated to a Herbie remake with Lindsay Lohan and the independant picture Game 6 (which still hasn't opened in Canada). And, honestly, I resent Tom Hanks for it.
Top 5 Michael Keaton movies
1. The Paper
2. Out Of Sight
3. Night Shift
4. Mr. Mom
5. Batman
Labels: Movies
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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